
Heart Hugger and Sternum Stabilization

Sternum Stabilization

Following a major procedure will leave one very susceptible to different complications that are associated with open heart surgery. It is our job at Heart Hugger to attempt to prevent as many of these complications as we can. This includes sternal wound dehiscence, any pain experienced by the patient, as well providing as much sternal stability to the wound during the recovery process. While none of these are easy to accomplish, the ultimate goal is to have the speediest recovery possible while also avoiding any unnecessary complications.

3 Things to Know About Cardiac Rehab

Cardiac Rehab

After you or a loved one undergoes heart surgery there is an expected cardiac surgery rehabilitation process. Understanding the process can help to make it easier on you and your loved ones. As such there are a few things to know about the recovery process.

It Takes Time

Rehabilitation for any procedure is a process and will take time. On average, cardiac surgery rehabilitation takes about six to eight weeks for individuals to return to normal activity. Depending upon the evasiveness of the procedure, it may take a shorter period of time, but your physician will guide you through the process and let you know.

Expect Changes

Those who have undergone heart surgery have reported certain changes, including:

  • decrease in appetite
  • trouble sleeping
  • periods of sadness

To address all of these things it is important that individuals try to stick to routines and engage in activities that they enjoy.

The Benefits of Postoperative Respiratory Splinting

Respiratory Splinting

If you have cardiac or thoracic surgery planned in the near future, then you’re also going to have many questions concerning the procedure. What is the procedure going to be like? How long is the recovery time expected to be for a procedure like this? Your surgeon will be able to answer the majority of these questions, however, having never gone through the procedure themselves, it may prove difficult to explain how it feels to have a surgical wound.

Preventing Sternal Wound Dehiscence

Sternal Dehiscence

Recovering from surgery has many consequences and byproducts that are less than desirable for a patient. Of course, there is the pain to deal with, and the road to recovery may be a long one depending on the type of surgery that was necessary.  There is also the fact that the patient will need to rely on medical staff and family members for quite some time before being able to move around and function by themselves. While needing to rely on people is certainly an inconvenience, it’s not life-threatening or a medical issue. Sternal wound dehiscence, on the other hand, is a consequence that may occur that is viewed as more serious.

Heart Hugger Aids Post-Surgical Recovery

Postoperative Care

In 1984 when Mr. Glenn Williams was recuperating from cardiovascular bypass surgery, he discovered that the lack of sternum support while recovering caused needless pain while lengthening his time of recovery. Desiring to spare others from a similar experience, he went on to invent the HeartHugger™ Sternum Support harness.

Today, HeartHugger™ is part of the recovery process for CABG, Heart Valve replacement, and Thoracic surgery patients in more than 220 U.S. Hospitals and over 340 heart programs worldwide.

Patient Control

When patients are actively involved in their own medical care, they develop confidence and independence, which enhances their recovery. The sternum support harness offers patients full-time pain management at their fingertips.

Sternotomy and Thoracotomy patients generally have two goals during recovery.

Importance of Sternum Stabilization

patient with Sternum Stabilization after heart surgery

Have you ever seen a picture of a person drawn by a child? Maybe you had the chance to appreciate the artwork of your own child or grandchild, or perhaps you remember doing such drawings yourself. No matter the little artist, it always seems like children draw people as mostly torso, with a head and limbs added almost as an afterthought. The focus is on the sternum, though the artists themselves don't yet think of it this way. If you're looking for sternum stabilization, it can often feel like you're the subject of a child's drawing--all the focus is, for awhile, on the sternum.

Sternum Stabilization Prevents Pain

Heart patient with doctor

Experiencing pain after open heart surgery is unavoidable. Everyday activities such as getting dressed or getting in and out of a car become frustrating and exhausting. Not to mention these tasks put stress on the surgical wound site.

There are few options available to patients in the way of pain management. The first and most obvious are pain medications such as Oxycodone, Vicodin and Demerol. These types of medications are often used primarily for in-patient treatment. Once the patient is discharged, patients often have to rely on ibuprofen, Tylenol or Celebrex. These medications do come with side effects such as upset stomach, dizziness and ulcers to name a few.

Pain After Cardiac or Thoracic Surgery

Managing Pain After Heart Surgery

Pain becomes a stark reality with those who’ve just gone through surgery, especially after going through cardiac and thoracic surgery.  Pain medication provides some relief, but not enough. Those unexpected sneezing fits can catch us by surprise and simple movements that we make throughout our everyday lives can prove to be a hindrance. Who knew that making the bed could hurt so badly? Or a simple act of sitting down on the couch could cause so much pain? This is hardly unexpected after one goes through major heart surgery.

This is where Heart Hugger comes into play. With the help of Heart Hugger, a patient’s pain can be reduced in many ways.

Below are just three ways of how Heart Hugger can help reduce the pain:

Improve Recovery after Heart Surgery

woman recovering from heart surgery

No one wants to have to undergo heart surgery. When this situation occurs, however, there are things that you can do to ensure that your recovery is complete. Each patient will have a different experience. This will relate to their initial condition, as well as, the complexity of their surgery. There are products that you can purchase that improve recovery. The Heart Hugger is one example of these products. It works to protect the sternum area.

There are a number of things that could occur in this area that can slow down recovery. In some instances these things could lead to more hospital treatment. Here are some of the things to watch for:

Benefits of a Stabilization Device

Sternum Stabilization

Going in for a procedure is always a daunting undertaking for a patient. There are probably a million questions that want to be asked, all of which can leave you even more confused than when you started. There are some basic needs that all patients will go through after cardiac surgery and during cardiac surgery rehabilitation. One of these needs is to have a good support system that can help support the wound in the sternum. Since almost all cardiac surgery needs to be done by opening up the chest, sternum stabilization after the procedure is a necessity when it comes to pain management and the healing process.


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