Economic Implications of Complications

Doctor Consults with Senior Patient

Getting Patient’s Breathing Back to Pre-Op Levels

Returning your patient’s respiratory function to pre-op levels is vital when determining when to discharge patients. Patients who don’t comply with respiratory exercises after surgery risk a greater chance of complications. Often, patients aren’t compliant because of the pain associated with coughing and breathing. However, it is extremely important that they do participate to avoid complications.

The Effects of Complications

In addition to the effects on patients, complications can prolong hospital visitation which can contribute to higher-than-necessary costs. Heart Hugger can help reduce the risk of complication through keeping the patients on the clinical pathway toward recovery. Patients are able to complete their physical therapy because they can manage their pain by utilizing the support and pain relief from Heart Hugger.

Continuing Care

Heart Hugger is worn and used by patients for 4-6 weeks after surgery, well into the time after they have already gone home. After they are discharged from the hospital, it is vitally important that they continue their regimen of respiratory exercises. To do this, they need to be able to control their pain and build confidence and comfort.

Financial Consequences

In addition to the high mortality rate associated with wound complications, they can also be financially devastating to the hospital. This is particularly true for Medicare and co-morbid patients. The cost to hospitals for complications can range from more than $13,000 to more than $100,000 per complication.

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