Beyond Physical Support
Heart Hugger is excellent for relieving patient pain, particularly when they need to cough, sneeze, or do other activities that require excess movement. The physical support helps stabilize the wound for physical pain relief instantly. But Heart Hugger provides so much more than physical support.
Getting Their Feet Back Under Them
After surgery, patient's lungs need to expand and expel the excess vapor that collected in the lungs while they were being ventilated. That’s why respiratory therapy and coughing are so important to patient recovery. However, coughing and breathing deeply after such a major surgery can be very painful and potentially harmful to the new wound.
The Locus of Control Theory supports the idea that when patients are involved in their own recovery, their healing is enhanced as they feel an increased level of control, confidence, and independence. By putting part of the pain control process in their hands--literally-- patients are more focused and more comfortable.
Decreasing Future Complications
After a major chest surgery, Heart Hugger helps defend against a multitude of potential complications. Heart Hugger aims to help return the patient to pre-op respiratory levels and stabilize the wound. Meeting these goals helps avoid wound complications including:
- Dehiscence
- Mediastinitis
- Atelectasis
- Pneumonia
Amazing Results at the Tips of Their Fingers
Not only are the results of Heart Hugger incredibly important, but the device itself is simple to use. A nurse or loved one can easily help the patient adjust the straps so it’s comfortable, and a simple squeeze of the hand is all it takes to engage Heart Hugger and reduce pain. Heart Hugger is worn over clothing and made of soft straps for comfort and easy adjustment.
To discuss sternal support options,