Complication Possibilities
After surgery, your team of medical professionals will be on the lookout for any complications, including the most major possibilities: respiratory complications and sternal wound complications. Your team is trained to look for the warning signs of complications and address them quickly.
There are some factors that increase risks. These higher risk situations are patients with:
- Diabetes
- Obesity
- Emphysema
- Other respiratory conditions
- Larger chests including barrel-chested men or large breasted women
- Patients who have been on a ventilator for an extended period
The primary concern post-surgery is respiratory complications because they can become quite severe and add stress to your recovering heart. Doctors will ensure you are stable and back to preoperative respiratory function before you are discharged. Using a Heart Hugger during recovery can aid in avoiding respiratory complications by making it more comfortable for the patient to cough, do their respiratory exercises, and breathe deeply to exhale the vapor in their lungs from surgery. Learn more about respiratory complications
Sternal Wound Complications
The sternal wound must be carefully tended to in the days following surgery. Infections of this wound are the primary complication that causes the delay of discharge from the hospital for patients. Using Heart Hugger during recovery aids in taking pressure and tension off the wound, supporting a quicker and more healthy recovery. Learn more about sternal wound complications
Sternal Wound Stability
During recovery from surgery, it is very important for the patient to keep their sternal wound supported and reduce strain as much as possible. In the past, nurses and medical professionals used sheets or pillows to help support the wound, but these offer no encircling support. That’s where Heart Hugger can help. Learn more about sternal wound stability.
To discuss sternal support options,