Surgi Support Vest is Designed for Women

Postoperative Bra

When we talk in terms of postoperative sternal support, we, of course, need to include women in the conversation. Cardiac surgery can be a necessity for everyone, and that means that everyone who undergoes a cardiac procedure will need to practice good habits during cardiac surgery rehabilitation. The problem with having a regular Heart Hugger for women is the fact that it does not take into account some of the anatomical features of women. For this reason, we provide the Surgi Support Vest that is designed specifically for women recovering from a cardiac procedure.

After a surgery, especially one as involved as a heart surgery, the patient will have a wound or suture that needs to heal. One of the problems caused by having an open wound during cardiac surgery rehabilitation is the amount of pain that the patient may experience. To bolster some of this pain, the Surgi Support Vests acts as a postoperative bra that will hold a suture closed and supported while the patient needs to move or cough.

Facts about the Surgi Support Vest Include:

  • Easy to Use Front Closure- The Surgi Support Vest includes an easy to use front closure that can be opened to access the wound for cleaning. It also lacks any hooks that may be uncomfortable to the patient. Having more of sports bra feel, the device is designed with Velcro that is easy to use.
  • Provides Easy Support to the Wound- The purpose of the device is to provide easy support to the wound site to aid in cardiac surgery rehabilitation and reduce the risk of sternal wound dehiscence. The material is made up of mostly cotton with a 10% spandex for extra comfort.
  • Wear with the Heart Hugger Device- The Surgi Support Vest works best when used in conjunction with the Heart Hugger Device. It will provide comfort following cardiac surgery while the Heart Hugger is able to provide the handles that are used when needing to cough or move around.

If you are a woman who has an upcoming cardiac procedure, look into the benefits of a Surgi Support Vest.

Contact us to learn more!