Following a major procedure will leave one very susceptible to different complications that are associated with open heart surgery. It is our job at Heart Hugger to attempt to prevent as many of these complications as we can. This includes sternal wound dehiscence, any pain experienced by the patient, as well providing as much sternal stability to the wound during the recovery process. While none of these are easy to accomplish, the ultimate goal is to have the speediest recovery possible while also avoiding any unnecessary complications.
The Heart Hugger was invented to provide both comfort and security to patients that are recovering from heart surgery. Postoperative sternal support is a very important measure to take into account during the recovery process. Not only does this help in preventing pain to the patient, it also helps prevent complications like sternal wound dehiscence. In terms respiratory splinting, the Heart Hugger was invented to do the best job possible.
The benefits of postoperative chest support include:
- Preventing Postoperative Complications- The last thing a patient that is recovering from heart surgery wants or needs is any complications. This can include wound dehiscence, infection, or having the wound itself actually rupture. The Heart Hugger was designed for sternum stability following surgery so patients have the ability to move around and gain better mobility.
- Preventing Postoperative Pain- There will likely be pain associated with the postoperative recovery period. The way to minimize this pain is to apply the right pressure to your sternal wound during activities as well as when sneezing or coughing. This will not only stabilize the wound but will also prevent a great deal of pain to the patient.
- Providing Much Needed Stability- During the recovery process immediately following surgery, the patient may be asked to cough. Without the proper sternal support, this can prove to be quite painful to the patient. Heart Hugger is able to provide a patient with this much needed support and stability and make them more confident in their movements.
If you are planning on having heart surgery, consider using the Heart Hugger as part of your postoperative recovery process. It works to prevent pain, provide sternal stability to the wound, and helps make the recovery process smoother.
Contact us today to learn more!