No one wants to have to undergo heart surgery. When this situation occurs, however, there are things that you can do to ensure that your recovery is complete. Each patient will have a different experience. This will relate to their initial condition, as well as, the complexity of their surgery. There are products that you can purchase that improve recovery. The Heart Hugger is one example of these products. It works to protect the sternum area.
There are a number of things that could occur in this area that can slow down recovery. In some instances these things could lead to more hospital treatment. Here are some of the things to watch for:
- Extreme Redness
- Opening Incision
- Heightened Pain
- Infection
The Heart Hugger helps you to protect the incision site and to encourage thorough healing. Once you’ve purchased this tool, there are other things for you to do. It is important to understand what is involved with recovery. Changing eating habits is one of the areas that will impact you. Limiting activities until you have healed is another consideration. Overall, you need to listen to the instructions of your doctor to not only enhance recovery. These instructions help you to plan for a better fit future.
Make Healthy Eating Choices
The things that you eat do impact your health. This is true before heart issues and especially after related surgeries. Incorporating fruits and vegetables is a good place to start. There are terrific options in this category to choose from. You should look at this as an adventure and experiment with different foods. Lean meat and fish are wonderful for heart-healthy meals.
Limit Regular Activities
Included in the recovery process is the need to limit regular activities. Doctors usually advise patients to take time returning to certain things. Driving, for instance, is often allowed between 4 and 6 weeks. The complexity of your procedure will play a role in when you can engage in specific activities. Sports and other high-impact areas should not be participated in until you’ve fully recovered.
Like anything else important in life, recovery from heart surgery takes time and investment. You will need to allow your body the time that it takes to fully heal. Investing various resources is instrumental to this process. Patients must learn what is necessary to avoid future heart problems. This often includes making lifestyle choices that are healthy.