Sternum stabilization is a crucial part of the recovery process after any surgery on the chest--but, as experts and patients alike already know, not all healing processes were created equal. In some cases, like after mitral valve repair surgery, the journey toward recovery is a little more complicated, and that makes sternum stabilization all the more important.
A Quick Look
In order to understand why sternum stabilization is such a crucial part of the healing process for mitral valve repair surgery, it's often helpful to take a step back and review the operation itself. Mitral valve damage is a serious issue and can cause heart failure and a whole host of related health concerns, which is why the mitral valve repair is so important. The operation comes in two forms: valve replacement using a new valve made of tissue or metal, and valve repair, which is too often overlooked as a more beneficial option. Valve repair can involve a variety of different incisions, depending on the specific needs of the patient--and that's where sternum stabilization comes in. Because mitral valve repair surgery and its recovery process can look a little different for each patient, it's crucial to have a solution that adapts to unique needs and goals, which is exactly what sternum support devices do.
The Healing Process
What does the healing process for mitral valve repair surgery look like, and where does sternum stabilization come in? Here's a quick look!
- Limits. After surgery, one of the most important things for your patients is to respect the limits. Heavy lifting should be avoided for eight to ten weeks; driving should be avoided for two to three weeks. These limits define the healing process, and how well your patients adapt to their changing needs will decide how quickly their bodies recover.
- Comfort. Although those limits are important, one thing that is just as important, if not more important, is making sure that patients are kept comfortable. A comfortable patient is much more likely to follow the guidelines necessary for healing--and that's where sternum stabilization comes in. When patients can rest and move without aggravating their incisions, they are happier and more comfortable.
- Movement and protection. The biggest part of the healing process after mitral valve repair surgery is balancing necessary movement, like coughing and sitting up, with protection of the incisions. With sternum stabilization, this isn't just possible--it's easy. Sternum stabilization devices adapt to each patient's unique needs and goals, making it possible to cough, stand, do recommended exercises, and more, all without risking complications from an unprotected incision. Sternum stabilization is an extremely helpful part of the healing process, and should not be overlooked.
Interested in more info on sternum stabilization? Contact us today!