Cardiac rehabilitation is an intricate and lengthy process, but it becomes even more delicate with the added complication of diabetes. Patients with diabetes are at a higher risk of having a rough time during cardiac rehab, and may even develop surgical site infections that send them back to the hospital. This is a big problem--but luckily, there is an easy, painless answer.
Diabetes Facts
According to a study published in the Journal of Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology, diabetes greatly increases a patient's risk of surgical site infections (SSI). SSI's are one of the most common types of infections suffered during hospital stays, and it goes without saying that they cause big problems for patients--pain, another hospital stay, more surgery, and sometimes death--but the hospitals can suffer too. The truth is that re-hospitalization can cause the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services to penalize hospitals and pull certain reimbursement. What is the solution? Make cardiac rehab easier and safer for patients with diabetes, simply by using a sternum support device.
Sternum Support
Sternum support makes a huge difference in cardiac rehab and can steeply minimize the risk of surgical site infections, even in patients with diabetes. Here's a quick look at sternum support devices in action!
- Support: Sternum support devices are designed to provide a sort of brace for the chest area, adapting to a wide range of body sizes and shapes so that everyone is included. This means that the wound and sternum stay safe during movement, which limits the risk of infections or other complications developing.
- Price: The affordable price of sternum support makes it accessible to everyone, which means that hospitals can ensure that patients receive all the comfort and support they need to get through cardiac rehab.
- Comfort: At the end of the day, a solution to help cardiac patients with diabetes isn't really a good solution unless it makes them more comfortable. Sternum support does just that. By providing support when patients need to breathe, cough, or move, sternum support limits the pain involved in cardiac rehab and keeps patients happy.
Contact us today with any questions you may have!