The Benefits of Using Heart Hugger

The Benefits of Using Heart Hugger

There are many different options to choose from when thinking about postoperative recovery and sternal support. This is especially true when a complex procedure like open heart surgery is involved. You will want to know that you’re being placed in the best care possible and know that your recovery is on track to be as smooth as possible. After all, you’re trying to get back to normal the quickest way you can. There are a few different ways to go about postoperative chest support when recovering from heart surgery, the easiest and most beneficial way is to employ the help of the Heart Hugger.

The Heart Hugger was invented to serve a very specific purpose: to protect the wound of a patient during the recovery process. Whether this is protecting the wound from dehiscence or reopening, or preventing pain during movement, coughing, or sneezing, the Heart Hugger has been proven to work. By giving the patient the ability to tighten the device when needed, it adds a level of comfort and independence that is tough to see with other methods. While squeezing a pillow will work in many cases, it doesn’t offer the best option in terms of mobility. The Heart Hugger is designed for immediately following surgery as well as weeks after the procedure.

Benefits of the Heart Hugger Include:

  • Postoperative Sternal Support when Needed- The nice thing about the Heart Hugger is the ability to use it when the patient sees fit. It is fastened around the patient like a harness, however, it’s only really activated when the patient squeezes two handles together. This helps force the wound closed, adding more stability. This allows the patient the freedom to move around freely during recovery.
  • It Offers Sternal Wound Dehiscence Prevention- The last thing a patient wants is any complication of the wound following heart surgery. This area is highly sensitive and susceptible to pressure and movement. Sternal wound dehiscence is a common side effect that happens to people without the proper support. This can lead to infection and can lengthen the recovery period by quite a bit.
  • Provides Patient with Independence- While being taken care of can be nice, at some point you are really just trying to get back to normal. That is where the feeling of independence following a surgery can have a positive effect on morale and well being. The first few days of recovery may be a little rough, but having and utilizing a Heart Hugger has been known to help elevate spirits as well as make the patient more active.

Invest in the Heart Hugger before your upcoming surgery to see if its the right option for your postoperative chest support.

Contact us today to learn more!