
5 Answered Questions About Heart Surgery Recovery

after heart surgery

The more prepared before and after heart surgery you are, the quicker you can recover. Here are five common questions that people typically have about heart surgery recovery and our answers to them.

Heart Surgery Recovery Questions and Answers

1. What Happens Immediately After Heart Surgery?

While you may wake up an hour or two after surgery, most people take a while longer than that. Be prepared for a breathing tube that will be removed in 24 hours. It might be uncomfortable because you are unable to talk. If you are in an intense amount of pain, you can request pain medication. Lastly, there will be bandage covering your incisions which will stay for the next day or so.

2. When Can My Family Visit?

After heart surgery, your family can visit once 45 minutes has passed. Longer visits following this period must be organized around the ICU schedule.

The Do’s and Don’ts of Preventing Sternal Dehiscence

sternal dehiscence

Recovering from surgery requires care and consideration. In the case of open heart surgery, the sternal bone is cracked to access the heart and then sewn together with wires. Such a sternal wound has a few post-surgery consequences. One such complication is sternal dehiscence or the reopening of the sternal wound. Here are the do’s and don’ts of preventing sternal dehiscence.

What to Avoid Post-Surgery

It’s important to remember that it takes time to ease back into everyday activities. Refrain from returning to regular exercise routines if they include strenuous movement. Lifting heavy weights can cause excessive tension on wound openings. Holding back from asking for help can also negatively impact your recovery. Enlist the help of one dependable family member or friend in the first week or two. Preventing the sternal wound from opening should be your primary priority and will benefit from outside help.

Encouraging Patient Healing with Heart Hugger

sternum stabilization

As a medical professional, you know just how important healing is. You also know that healing is a journey--and it can be helpful for your patients to have a little support along the way. That's exactly what Heart Hugger provides, both literally and metaphorically. Heart Hugger is a sternum stabilization garment that provides the support that patients need after surgery, and it is specially designed to offer extra support for the unique needs and goals of a woman's healing journey.

Facilitate Patient Recovery After Coronary Bypass Surgery

cardiac rehab

As a healthcare provider, you know the importance of treating your patients and helping them stay out of the hospital. So as important as your care in the hospital is, it can be equally as important to provide your patients with sufficient recovery support and attention. When your patient has gone through sternum surgery, it can be especially daunting to think about recovery. Sternum surgery is incredibly invasive, leaving the patient with a long ways to go toward full recovery. By giving your patient a way of controlling their own recovery, you enable them to feel more confident about the entire process.

Worried about Postoperative Complications?

sternum stabilization

It is a fact; postoperative complications do happen. Though there may not be a standard list of complications, as a doctor or nurse you are no doubt aware of the challenges. So when it comes to combating these complications, where do doctors and nurses have to turn? Sternum surgery is incredibly invasive, and leaves the sternum weakened, no matter the skill and precision of the surgeon. With that in mind, it becomes paramount to give patients a means of support in their recovery. HeartHugger offers just that type of support.

Sternum Support: A Decreased Risk of Post-Surgery Complications

If you could provide your patients with the chance of a decreased risk of complications after the invasive surgery the is a sternotomy, would you? HeartHugger's sternum support harnesses are built to do just that. They not only offer postoperative support, but they also put care back in the hands of the recovering patient.

Part 2: Sternum Stability for Your Recovering Patients

Sternum Stabilization

In part 1 of our blog series, we went over the possible complications that accompany sternum surgery. It is unfortunately very common for postoperative complications to arise, and it is only wise and prudent for healthcare providers such as yourselves to foresee these issues and give your patients the best course of action for their immediate health. There are several different postoperative care options out there, but one that has stood out to healthcare providers is the HeartHugger. This noninvasive care option enables patients to manage their pain and recovery at a reasonable pace with relative ease.

3 Sternal Precautions You Need to Follow After Surgery

Sternum Stabilization

After heart surgery, it’s normal to want to return to everyday activities. Your routine will occur with time, but first, your body needs proper rest to heal the sternum after the procedure. To ensure that you recover and advance at the appropriate rate, there are precautions to take for sternum stabilization.

1. Avoid Lifting Heavy Weights

It can be difficult to adjust to limited exercises, but it will help speed up recovery time. If you are used to performing arm exercises, do not lift anything heavier than ten pounds. For the first eight weeks of your recovery, you should only raise one-half or one pound weights to improve sternum stabilization. Ten bicep curls on each side is a gentle start. Make sure to have a pillow or some form of security harness to protect your sternum.

What You Need to Know About Open Heart Surgery

Surgeon provides Sternum Stabilization

No matter where you go in the medical industry, there's always more to learn. That's especially true when it comes to open-heart surgery. Those three words, in particular, are often shrouded in misunderstanding, discomfort, and worry--so today we'll explore the basics of open-heart surgery, in hopes that understanding will lead to a bit more comfort.

Not Quite Rocket Science

Open-heart surgery is complicated and delicate, yes, but the details tend to get exaggerated in the public mind (which is fair, considering that open heart surgery used to be something very different than it is now). The truth is that open-heart surgery may not be simple, but it's not as bad as we tend to think. Here are some details that might change the way you see this procedure.

"Open-heart" doesn't mean what you think.


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