
Sternum Stabilization After Mitral Valve Surgery

Sternum Stabilization

Sternum stabilization is a crucial part of the recovery process after any surgery on the chest--but, as experts and patients alike already know, not all healing processes were created equal. In some cases, like after mitral valve repair surgery, the journey toward recovery is a little more complicated, and that makes sternum stabilization all the more important.

What You Need to Know About Open Heart Surgery

Surgeon provides Sternum Stabilization

No matter where you go in the medical industry, there's always more to learn. That's especially true when it comes to open-heart surgery. Those three words, in particular, are often shrouded in misunderstanding, discomfort, and worry--so today we'll explore the basics of open-heart surgery, in hopes that understanding will lead to a bit more comfort.

Not Quite Rocket Science

Open-heart surgery is complicated and delicate, yes, but the details tend to get exaggerated in the public mind (which is fair, considering that open heart surgery used to be something very different than it is now). The truth is that open-heart surgery may not be simple, but it's not as bad as we tend to think. Here are some details that might change the way you see this procedure.

"Open-heart" doesn't mean what you think.

3 Sternal Precautions You Need to Follow After Surgery

Sternum Stabilization

After heart surgery, it’s normal to want to return to everyday activities. Your routine will occur with time, but first, your body needs proper rest to heal the sternum after the procedure. To ensure that you recover and advance at the appropriate rate, there are precautions to take for sternum stabilization.

1. Avoid Lifting Heavy Weights

It can be difficult to adjust to limited exercises, but it will help speed up recovery time. If you are used to performing arm exercises, do not lift anything heavier than ten pounds. For the first eight weeks of your recovery, you should only raise one-half or one pound weights to improve sternum stabilization. Ten bicep curls on each side is a gentle start. Make sure to have a pillow or some form of security harness to protect your sternum.

Avoiding Sternal Dehiscence with Heart Hugger

Sternal Dehiscence

No matter who we are or what we do, one word that we all shudder at is complications. In the medical field, this is especially true. Everyone involved in the medical field--doctors, nurses, patients, even receptionists and delivery people--don't like hearing the word complications, because it means that there will be more pain, more suffering, and more danger. For example, one all-too-common complication is sternal dehiscence, and it can strike fear into the bravest heart. How can we avoid having to hear or use the infamous word complications? One crucial step in avoiding complications after surgery is ensuring that patients know what to do to take care of their bodies and how to do it properly. Often, they need a little help with that--and that's where Heart Hugger comes in.

Why Your Patients Need Heart Hugger

Respiratory Splinting

In today's world, we have a lot of questions and three times as many answers. Sometimes, that's a good thing. We can get second (and third) opinions on just about anything. We can get the same information from a variety of perspectives. We can choose how to solve problems because the power of technology and modern study has afforded us the ability to decide on the best option instead of the only option. However, more choices can also mean more confusion. How can anyone know if they're making the best possible choice when there are so many possibilities? The key is to get all of the information, study the facts, and then, ultimately, trust your instincts--and this is especially true when making patient care decisions.

The Benefits of a Postoperative Bra

Postoperative Bra

What do you think of when you hear the word "healing?" It is a term that has countless positive connotations throughout our society. To be healed is to be cured of some pain, illness, or problem. To be healed is to feel strong and whole again. To be healed is to place a bandage over the wounds of the mind and the body--a bandage which, though it may work slowly and steadily, has the power to repair what has been broken. Of course, "healing" also has more literal meanings, the definitions that conjure up images of white lab coats, bottles of antibiotics, and glimmering medical utensils. However, no matter what comes to mind when you think about healing, the truth is that healing of all kinds can often use a helping hand.

Sternum Stabilization for Broken Ribs

Sternum Stabilization

As we know, properly stabilizing the chest after injury or surgery is incredibly important. This is because of how important the chest itself is; without strong support and protection, everything from breathing to a normal heart rate can be affected, and all of it comes at a steep price to the patient's comfort and healing progress. Yes, sternum stabilization is crucial--but when a patient has broken ribs, sternum stabilization becomes even more important.

The Do’s and Don’ts of Preventing Sternal Dehiscence

sternal dehiscence

Recovering from surgery requires care and consideration. In the case of open heart surgery, the sternal bone is cracked to access the heart and then sewn together with wires. Such a sternal wound has a few post-surgery consequences. One such complication is sternal dehiscence or the reopening of the sternal wound. Here are the do’s and don’ts of preventing sternal dehiscence.

What to Avoid Post-Surgery

It’s important to remember that it takes time to ease back into everyday activities. Refrain from returning to regular exercise routines if they include strenuous movement. Lifting heavy weights can cause excessive tension on wound openings. Holding back from asking for help can also negatively impact your recovery. Enlist the help of one dependable family member or friend in the first week or two. Preventing the sternal wound from opening should be your primary priority and will benefit from outside help.

5 Answered Questions About Heart Surgery Recovery

after heart surgery

The more prepared before and after heart surgery you are, the quicker you can recover. Here are five common questions that people typically have about heart surgery recovery and our answers to them.

Heart Surgery Recovery Questions and Answers

1. What Happens Immediately After Heart Surgery?

While you may wake up an hour or two after surgery, most people take a while longer than that. Be prepared for a breathing tube that will be removed in 24 hours. It might be uncomfortable because you are unable to talk. If you are in an intense amount of pain, you can request pain medication. Lastly, there will be bandage covering your incisions which will stay for the next day or so.

2. When Can My Family Visit?

After heart surgery, your family can visit once 45 minutes has passed. Longer visits following this period must be organized around the ICU schedule.


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