Women's Health: Helping After Heart Attacks

Postoperative Bra

Although heart attacks are a problem for both genders, heart attacks in women are unique: there are different signs, different symptoms, and different options for rehabilitation after surgery (like postoperative bras instead of general sternum support devices).

Heart Attacks in Women

Many conditions affect the male and female bodies in the same way, but the truth is that a heart attack isn't one of them. Heart attacks are different in women than in men; they also differ from woman to woman, which makes them rather difficult to look out for. The most common symptom of a heart attack in anyone is chest pain--but in women, this pain is described as less "crushing," and it leads to a variety of other subtle symptom differences. For example, heart attacks in women are characterized by nausea, sudden shortness of breath, sweatiness, pain in various parts of the body like the back or jaw, and fatigue. However, many women only experience fatigue--which is easily overlooked as a "normal" occurrence.

A Closer Look

What else do you need to know about heart attacks in women? Let our rehabilitation experts, who know everything from heart attacks to heart surgery to rehabilitation with postoperative bras, explain.

  • Reaction. What can you do if you or someone you love is suffering the symptoms of a heart attack? At first, it might be hard to decide; after all, heart attack symptoms in women can easily be overlooked as normal. Still, the "gut feeling" is usually correct. The reaction is, of course, much the same in men as in women: keep calm and call emergency services.
  • Diagnosis. Although the symptoms may be different, a heart attack is diagnosed the same way in men and women. EKG's are often used to see if an active heart attack is taking place, and, if so, further treatment is immediately enacted.
  • Surgery and rehabilitation. Sometimes, the best answer after a heart attack is surgery--and heart surgery is a huge undertaking. However, with good rehabilitation options, recovery can be easy and smooth. Remember that sternum support with postoperative bras is crucial to comfort and to the ability to carry out doctor's orders after surgery.

If you are looking for a way to make heart surgery recovery easier, quicker, and more comfortable, whether for yourself or for a loved one, contact us today--we have a solution for rehabilitation.