Respiratory Splinting: Reducing Pain and Saving the Day

Respiratory Splinting

Not long ago, the very idea of open heart surgery seemed like a futuristic dream--something that our ancestors would never have been able to create, perform, or survive. These days, open heart surgery is increasingly common, and although the procedure is used to solve many problems, it causes one big issue for all patients: pain. Luckily, with respiratory splinting, that "big issue" is getting demoted.

A Respiratory Splinting Study

According to a study from Hospital Maria Middelaresse in Gent, Belgium, respiratory splinting is one of the most valuable tools for pain relief after open heart surgery. The study examined how Heart Hugger, one of the best support devices available, worked both at the hospital and at home; findings proved the patients voluntarily wore the device for an average of 25 days after they left the hospital. Why? The proof is in the results: on a scale from one to ten, one meaning "strongly disagree" and ten meaning "strongly agree," patients gave the sternum support device a nine in pain relief while coughing and an eight in comfort while changing positions.

What It Means For Your Patients

How can the results of this study help your patients? Our sternum support experts have the details!

  • Pain relief. One of the most important benefits of sternum support devices is the ability to limit pain. You know that simple actions, like coughing or laughing, can cause your patients pain--but with sternum support, patients can do all that and more without worrying about the discomfort.
  • Moving. You need your patients to do recommended exercises on a regular schedule--but if they don't want to move at all, then you've got a problem. Luckily, with proper sternum support, patients can be more comfortable moving, so they're more likely to actually do what you need them to do.
  • Complications. Complications are a huge concern after open heart surgery, but sternum support helps to limit the risk. By keeping the incision area safe and supported, these devices minimize problems and keep you and your patients happy.

Interested in more information on sternum support devices like Heart Hugger? Contact us today!