Preventing Sternal Dehiscence

prevent Sternal Dehiscence

One of the unfortunate side effects of having heart surgery is the long and arduous recovery process that immediately follows the procedure. For some, this recovery process is easier than expected and health returns after a few weeks. For others, there are complications that are associated with recovery. One of these complications is known as sternal wound dehiscence, or the reopening of the sternal wound. Heart Hugger was invented, among other things, as a way to prevent sternal wound dehiscence and providing postoperative sternal support to patients recovering from heart surgery. 

While you certainly want to get back to normal as soon as possible following a procedure, there are definitely some precautions you should take to prevent any complications. Heart Hugger was invented to speed this recovery process and provide patients with more sternal stability during this recovery process. Many patients are given different methods after surgery, however, the Heart Hugger has been proven to be a very useful tool for those who are recovering from heart surgery.

Ways you can prevent sternal wound dehiscence include:

  • Bracing the Wound- This is one of the best things a patient can do when recovering from heart surgery to avoid wound dehiscence. The Heart Hugger was invented to act as a brace for the patient during activity, sneezing, coughing, or vomiting. Not only does this help prevent dehiscence, it will also minimize pain.
  • Employ Proper Incision Care- Your physician will be able to let you know how to properly care for your wound in order to prevent complication. It is important that you take this advice very seriously, as any complication to surgery is less than ideal. If this includes cleaning the wound as well as bracing every time you need to sneeze or cough, you should be following these instructions.
  • Avoid any Lifting- Your doctor may give you restrictions following your surgery, especially within the first few weeks. We always recommend that you follow the advice of your doctor. Lifting objects over five pounds can have a negative affect on a new wound and put you at risk for sternal wound dehiscence. This is true even when using the Heart Hugger.

Remember to be careful for a few weeks following a major surgery. If employed properly, the Heart Hugger can help prevent sternal wound dehiscence and put you on the right track to recovery.

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