How Heart Hugger can Support a Sternum after Surgery

cardiac rehab

Anyone who's ever had to let their body heal before (which is just about all of us) can attest that the healing process is important--and that is never more true than when it comes to cardiac rehab. Healing is a journey, and with a device like Heart Hugger, that journey can be easier, quicker, and more painless than ever.

Sternum Support

One of the most important parts of healing for cardiac rehab is sternum support. Providing safe, comfortable protection to the body and the incision, sternum support garments help to speed healing and improve patient comfort.


It all comes down to the specifics. By providing stabilization to the chest, these garments allow patients to move, breathe, and even cough comfortably, which, in turn, allows for a healthier lifestyle that will speed the healing process. These garments also help to minimize the risk of complications--and all while being comfortable enough to wear under the clothes all day.

Why Heart Hugger?

When it comes to sternum stabilization garments, Heart Hugger stands alone. With unique details for extra comfort and functionality, fitting options that work with any size, and specifications that can be changed to meet each patient's unique needs, Heart Hugger is just the thing for a speedy healing journey.

  • Handles. One of the most important parts of Heart Hugger is the inclusion of handles. The patient squeezes these handles, providing support, stabilization, and comfort when coughing, sneezing, breathing, moving, or allowing a caregiver to work on the incision. On top of that, Heart Hugger also allows the handles to be adjusted, meaning that each patient's needs can be met.
  • For women. When it comes to cardiac rehab, women have a unique healing journey. Heart Hugger can be adjusted to keep every woman comfortable and speed up the healing process. While fittings are different for women, the garment provides the same high-quality support, comfort, and improvements in healing.
  • Learning curve. It can be hard for a patient to know what to do at first--but luckily, Heart Hugger comes with instructional videos for caregivers and patients alike, and on top of that is easy to use and even easier to learn. Considering how much support and comfort it offers, Heart Hugger is surprisingly simple.

Looking for details about Heart Hugger? Contact us today!