Evidence-Based Recovery Support for Respiratory Splinting

nurse helping heart surgery patient

There is an ongoing discussion about how to best address the needs of patients who are recovering from heart surgery. With new technology, new medications, and continual anecdotal support for certain techniques, it’s no surprise that in our digital age there is a demand for more options and more evidence.

One type of post-op recovery support available is the Heart Hugger, a patient-operated harness that helps with pain management in addition to wound stability and sternal support.

It’s important that patients feel like they have control – and actually have control – over their recovery, particularly their pain management. In the past, things like the heart pillow have had anecdotal support but no actual evidence of its efficacy. The heart pillow is simply a heart-shaped pillow given to patients after sternotomy procedures which patients would hug to them while they coughed. While this might work for some patients in those specific instances, the Heart Hugger is a better alternative and one that gives patients benefits beyond help when coughing.

Wearable, Ongoing Recovery Support

While the heart pillow is cute and might be a bit helpful, respiratory splinting offers evidence-based results – tested and approved effectiveness. It offers patients ongoing support through their recovery and it facilitates pain management beyond coughing. Because it is wearable, the patient can get relief at any time as they go about their day. It also reduces the pressure and possible wound irritation that can come from a heart pillow being pressed against the chest. The Heart Hugger is designed to keep wounds clean and without irritation.

Contact Heart Hugger today to learn how a sternum support harness can aid in patient recovery while cutting costs for your hospital in the long run.