The Benefits of Sternum Support in Hospitals

sternum support

Hospitals need a lot of expertise, a lot of equipment, and a lot of sacrificial people in order to save lives every day. However, when it comes to heart surgery and the healing process afterward, hospitals need one more thing in order to keep patients healthy and happy: sternum support devices.

High-Risk Patients

Heart surgery is one thing--but healing from heart surgery is another thing entirely. There's a new set of risks, a new set of potential threats, and a lot of new complications that can make patients uncomfortable and more unwilling to do what their bodies need in order to heal. The unfortunate truth is that a lot of patients fall into the high-risk category after heart surgery. If a patient suffers from diabetes, obesity, chronic cough, osteoporosis, or other health issues, or even if he or she smokes or has a large chest, the risk of complications after surgery and possible death actually skyrocket. That's not just dangerous, it's scary--but luckily, that's where sternum support devices come in.

Sternum Support for Healing

Our sternum support experts know how much of a difference a support device can make in the healing process. Here's a quick look!

  • Support. They call it "sternum support" for a reason. These devices are designed to reinforce and brace the chest area and the wound itself, meaning that patients are much less likely to suffer complications because moving or coughing disturbed the wound area.
  • Pain relief. One of the biggest obstacles to healing after heart surgery is the pain. When hospitals encourage the use of sternum support devices, patients can rest easy--both literally and figuratively.
  • Comfort. When patients are comfortable, they're more likely to do what the doctor orders. Since a sternum support device relieves pressure and makes it comfortable to move, breathe, and cough, patients, can do everything the hospital tells them to do.

Interested in more information on sternum support? Looking for sternum support devices? Contact us today!