Adjusting the Sternum Stabilization Harness

Nurse and patient

Patients who have recently had thoracic surgery benefit greatly from having additional sternum support that a harness provides. Making simple adjustments in the way the Heart Hugger Sternum Support Harness is worn can make all the difference in patient comfort. Follow some of these simple guidelines to make your experience with this product more satisfactory.

Greater Support

If you do not seem to be getting enough support with your Sternum Support Harness, it may be because the Velcro on the handles needs to be tightened. Tighten the Velcro straps on both sides of the handles. Make adjustments in small increments, keeping the handles symmetrical and centered, and the same distance away from your sternum.


  • If your Heart Hugger is riding up under your arms, please adjust the suspender-like shoulder straps which controls the height of the chest strap. Loosen the straps equally to keep front handles even in front.

  • If the chest strap is riding up while you are sitting or lying in bed, have a family member or caregiver gently tug down on the back of the strap while lightly lifting the handles back into proper position.

  • For men, the handles should be mid-sternum bone with the middle of the handles around the nipple line. Keep the handles an equal distance from the sternal wound. For women, the handles should rest above the breasts. In both genders, the handles should be about one hand width apart so that you can reach both handles and squeeze with one or both hands.


The Sternum Support Harness may be soaked and washed in a mild detergent and air dried.It is important to keep the harness clean and free from pathogens.

For more helpful ideas about using the Heart Hugger Sternum Support Harness click here